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Admin loginReadings Confirmed for 2018




For Readings of 8 poems, After the Fall, Angel, Cardamoms, Firelight, Hummingbird, Sleeping With The Kingfisher, Summer Snowflakes and The Inner Poet, from UCD Library Special Collections, Click here



A film of the opera THE INVADER, 2014, composer Eric Sweeney, librettist Mark Roper, is available on Vimeo, in 2 parts, from the 2 links below. There is no interval, just go from the end of Part 1 to the start of Part 2. The film was taken on a single, fixed camera by John Loftus, at the penultimate dress rehearsal.





A film of the opera THE GREEN ONE, 2016, composer Eric Sweeney, librettist Mark Roper, is available on Youtube. The film was made by Keith Currans. View here



For a set of scenes from CROSSING, Animated State Dance Theatre Company's collaboration between poet Mark Roper, a dancer, a painter, a musician, a singer and a filmmaker, performed at the Theatre Royal, Waterford during the Tall Ships Festival, July 2011. View here



For a documentary about COME THE SAILS, a collaboration between 5 musicians and 5 composers, including Mark Roper and Eric Sweeney, made for and performed at the Tall Ships Festival, July 2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4_t-HQSENs



A Reading of the essay HALCYON can be found here 



A Podcast of an Interview and Readings from 2013 can be viewed here